Walking Alongside

The First Year

The first year after losing a loved one to suicide is full of unknown emotions and debilitating shock. If you currently live in Minnesota, We Saw The Light would be honored to walk alongside you through the first year by sending small gifts, giving you a safe place to talk, and directing you to additional resources that we feel will be helpful to you.

Two butterflies on yellow and white flowers
Lady with her head in her hands and a hand reaching out to her.

You Are Not Alone

Losing a loved one to suicide can be a lonely journey. Come talk to others just like you who are in all different phases of their journey in our private Facebook Group.

Resources For You

Sometimes accessing resources in the privacy of our own home is more healing than putting ourselves out in a world that is now unknown. Together we have gathered some helpful resources just for you.

Logo with saying, "Nothing can dim the light that shines from within. - Maya Angelou" in front of a field

Positive Messages

Feeling good about ourselves after losing a loved one to suicide can be quite challenging. We post inspiration messages on our Facebook Page to remind you that life can and will be a beautiful place for you.